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Cedar Ridge

Cedar Ridge

PT Engineering completed studies for Grady Brown Elementary School and Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. These two schools are across the street from one another and have different start/dismissal times. Some of the existing traffic and safety issues included queuing from school driveways onto the adjacent roadways and pedestrian crashes. Recommendations for Grady Brown Elementary School included construction of a new parent driveway with increased internal storage on campus. Recommendations for Cedar Ridge High School included altering the on-campus traffic patterns to increase the internal storage and implementation of staggered dismissal times to minimize conflicts between student and parent drivers.



PT Engineering completed a study for Norwayne Middle School in Fremont, North Carolina. This existing 6th-8th grade, traditional middle school currently serves approximately 900 students, which had existing traffic and safety issues such as queuing along Norwayne School Road in both the AM and PM school peak periods. A new traffic pattern utilizing existing and new roadway was recommended to increase the internal storage to handle internal school queuing.



PT Engineering completed a study for Jacksonville High School in Jacksonville, North Carolina. This existing 9th-12th grade, traditional high school currently serves approximately 1,200 students, which had existing traffic and safety issues such as queuing from school driveway onto a busy adjacent roadway and pedestrian crashes at the school crosswalk. A pedestrian HAWK beacon was recommended to assist with students crossing the adjacent roadway. Additionally, a new driveway was proposed on an adjacent street to minimize conflicts between pedestrians and conflicting school traffic. Additional internal storage was also recommended to handle internal school queuing.

Grady Brown

Grady Brown

PT Engineering completed studies for Grady Brown Elementary School and Cedar Ridge High School in Hillsborough, North Carolina. These two schools are across the street from one another and have different start/dismissal times. Some of the existing traffic and safety issues included queuing from school driveways onto the adjacent roadways and pedestrian crashes. Recommendations for Grady Brown Elementary School included construction of a new parent driveway with increased internal storage on campus. Recommendations for Cedar Ridge High School included altering the on-campus traffic patterns to increase the internal storage and implementation of staggered dismissal times to minimize conflicts between student and parent drivers.

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