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PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Jacksonville Travel Demand Model to develop a 2015 No-Build, 2040 No-Build and 2040 Build forecast for 7 intersections.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Triangle Regional Model (TRM) to develop a 2016 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build, and two alternatives for the 2040 Future Year Build forecast.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Wilmington MPO Travel Demand Model to develop a 2016 Base Year No-Build, 2020 Intermediate Year No-Build, 2020 Intermediate Year Build (for two alternatives), 2040 Future Year No-Build, and 2040 Future Year Build (for two alternatives) forecasts.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the French Broad River MPO Travel Demand Model to develop a 2016 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build, and 2040 Future Year Build forecast.

R-3300A R-3300B

R-3300A R-3300B

PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Wilmington Travel Demand Model to develop a 2016 Base Year No-Build, a 2040 Future Year No-Build, and a 7-scenario 2040 Future Year Build forecast. During the review of the model data numerous discrepancies between the adopted and the MTP were identified. Following coordination with NCDOT, PT Engineering rebuilt the Master Network and Project List for the model based on the Cape Fear Transportation 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. PT Engineering identified and modified several incorrectly connected centroids along the barrier islands to more accurately reflect the access to the islands. PT engineering also made modifications to the model script to properly calculate capacity for divided roadways and did sensitivity testing of the model volumes for the subject projects including alternative scenarios regarding partially funded projects (ie: without Cape Fear Crossing, with Cape Fear Crossing (no toll), with Cape Fear Crossing (toll)). All of the model revisions were fully documented and provided to NCDOT and the MPO for use in future updates to the model.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Wilmington Travel Demand Model to develop a 2017 Base Year No-Build and 2040 Future Year Build forecast.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the French Broad River MPO Travel Demand Model to develop a 2016 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year Build forecast.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Piedmont Triad Regional Model to develop a 2017 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build and 2040 Future Year Build forecast.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Piedmont Triad Regional Model to develop a 2017 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build and 2040 Future Year Build forecast.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Metrolina Regional Model (MRM) to develop a 2017 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build, and two alternatives for a 2040 Future Year Build forecast.



PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the French Broad River MPO Travel Demand Model to develop a 2017 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build, and 2040 Future Year Build forecast.

U-6059 B-5948

U-6059 B-5948

PT Engineering developed a traffic forecast utilizing the Piedmont Triad Regional Model to develop a 2017 Base Year No-Build and 2040 Future Year Build forecast.

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