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PT Engineering developed a comprehensive simulation model for the I-77 interchange improvements at Gilead Road that was based on the calibrated base year model developed by PT Engineering for the I-77 corridor. The analysis included the evaluation of 2015 Base Year No-Build, 2040 Future Year No-Build and Future Year Build for one alternative. The analysis included converting the exiting interchange to a Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) and included the planned conversion of the US 21/Gilead Road intersection (located 400 feet to the east) to a Median U-turn Configuration (MUT). Due to limitations on capacity along the US 21 corridor, the analysis was developed with interim years for each 5-year period between 2025 and 2040 to determine when the adjacent MUT would fail and spill back into the interchange. The study was later expanded to include an evaluation of providing access to the Novant Health Huntersville Medical Center. PT Engineering received a perfect score on the evaluation for this project from the Congestion Management Section.

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